Virabhadrasana - Warrior Pose for Full Body Stretch

How to stretch Body?

If you are wondering how to stretch your body to work on the flexibility of the entire body, virabhadrasana is for you. Virabhadrasana or the warrior yoga pose is a posture which closely resembles one taken up by a warrior. There are three different stages of performing this full body pose, each of which symbolizes physical power and vigor. Among one the best body stretching exercises, this asana is basically performed to increase the core strength and endurance of the body. It is also believed that practicing this pose regularly can help improve confidence and increase courage.

Virabhadrasana - Warrior Yoga Pose

There is immense balance required to execute this pose, and since it requires several full body stretches, the body needs to be flexible. This pose is essentially performed in the advanced stage of learning and is usually not recommended for beginners.

To execute this pose, start by standing straight and balancing the weight of your body on both legs. Now, come into the mountain pose, bringing your feet close together and placing the hands at your sides. After this, widen your feet, allowing a gap of at least 4 feet between the two. Slightly turn your right foot so that it is at a 45 degree angle from your body, while rotating your left foot to a 90 degree angle. Bend the left knee, allowing the thigh to come parallel to the ground. Your left knee should be completely behind the ankle or directly over it. Raise your arms over your head in an outstretched manner, slowly lower the left arm and set it pointing ahead, parallel to the ears. Meanwhile, your right hand should be pointed backwards. Focus and breathe deeply.

Though the pose may not be very difficult to perform, the key is to balance your body throughout while stretching it. It is also important that you do not over exert yourself. When performing the pose, make sure that you finish one position completely before you move on to the next. Try not to slant your body at any unusual angled. You should also be completely in control of your breathing.

Virabhadrasana is one of the best full body stretching exercises that helps bring flexibility to the entire body. The coordination between different parts of the body is also improved when the body is thus balanced. This pose is extremely beneficial for those suffering from the carpal tunnel syndrome or flat feet. Other ailments that can be treated using this pose are sciatica, infertility, and osteoporosis.


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