Yoga for Double Chin | Reducing Double Chin

How to Lose a Double Chin?

These days, a double chin has become a complement of aging, and a sign of our mental and physical ill health. Because our lifestyles have become more sedentary and we abuse our bodies with junk food, alcohol and colas, obesity is one of the hallmarks of our times. A double chin is nothing more than fat accumulated around the neck, just like belly fat gathers around your belly. Everyone wants to know how to lose a double chin! If you want to get rid of this unattractive and unflattering feature you have little choice but to exercise, unless of course, you want to go in for expensive and dangerous surgical procedures. If you’re wondering how to lose chin fat, keep in mind that you can’t just lose fat on one place, you will have to lose it all over your body!

Exercises to Reduce Double Chin

One form of exercise that Indians, and now people the world over, have been using for thousands of years to be healthy is yoga. Yoga is the ancient for a union of body, mind and breath. This ancient system has many mental and physiological benefits. It increases strength and flexibility, not only for your muscles, but for your joints and internal organs as well. It works to normalise the body and mind, and to free any blockages that have appeared over time. It reverses the aging effects that our stress-filled lifestyles have.

Losing fat through yoga is not easy, and will require dedication and perseverance. Once you start practicing it for a while however, it will become a part of your existence, and you will not be able to go without yoga! Yoga is not about doing just a few poses every day. You will need to incorporate positive changes into your lifestyle. This needs to include endurance and strength training, eating healthy and staying away from unhealthy behavior like intoxicants. Having a strong mind is also part of yoga.

To learn yoga, you should sign-up at a good yoga class, or study with an experienced teacher or guru. Yoga, if done wrong, can have harmful effects, and should only be learnt under supervision. A good guru will help you get in touch with your spiritual centre, and learning how to reduce double chin is actually one of the small by products of this knowledge.

Yoga for double chin is little different from yoga for losing fat. Some poses, or asanas that your guru might teach you include:
  • Bhujangasan or Cobra pose: This asana has you lying on the mat, face down and your arms under your chest. You have to stretch your back upwards to the sky. This asana helps you to stretch your abdomen and strengthen your back.
  • Dhanurasana or Bow pose: Lying face-down, hold your ankles by bending your knees towards your buttocks. Raise your head and shoulder-blades up by pulling at your ankles. Keep this position for 10 seconds. This exercise strengthens your back, and helps your tighten your abdomen.
  • Pavan Muktasana or the Pose to release air: This pose helps you release air inside your stomach. It involves you lying on your back, and pulling your legs into your stomach. You will often pass wind when in this position, but don’t be embarrassed, it’s a good thing!
Remember, that it’s not just these poses. The practice of yoga has thousands of poses, along with breathing exercises and meditation.

Yoga for Menopause | Heal Depression in Menopause

Most women in the West dread the approach of menopause, and think of it as something that will end a happy life as they know it. Many women even take hormonal supplements to delay the onset of menopause. But in the East, menopause is thought of as a change that should be embraced, as it brings with it wisdom and insight. If you think about it, it’s a phase of life that cannot be avoided, and there are no real ‘cures for menopause’. And yet, women often enter it feeling afraid and unhappy.

Yoga for menopause can have positive effects on you, and can help you understand your body and mind better. Yoga asanas or poses, along with breathing exercises and meditation help to balance the endocrine system, along with strengthening the body and organs. This helps women to weather the hormonal changes better. Yoga aims to unify the mind, body and breath. As one becomes adept in the practice of yoga and meditation, she is able to accept herself and her body better, and this makes the transition easier.

Women who regularly practice yoga find that they are able to enjoy menopause, and experience the freedom, liberation and energy that it brings!

What are the Symptoms of Menopause?

Yogic asanas can help to relieve hot flashes, night sweats and other symptoms of menopause. Inverted postures such as the headstand, shoulder stand and bending poses like the downward dog have been accepted as providing calming effects. The regular practice of yoga, when combined with other exercises like walking, cycling or weight training can ease the symptoms of menopause, and make it easier on you. While the symptoms may not go away completely, their incidence can be reduced, and the intensity of night sweats and hot flashes will decrease.

Depression in menopause is also an important concern to women. The practice of yoga will help you to become more peaceful and accepting. Yoga also helps you to get in touch with your body, and know what is going on in an experiential way. When you meditate, you become aware of the changes in your body, and you will also realise that change is inevitable. This itself will help to keep away depression during menopause.

Yoga Practice During Menopause

Of course, if you start practicing yoga long before menopause, you will find the transition much easier. But even if you start during or after menopause, you will still feel the benefits of yoga. It is suggested that you join a yoga class, or study under a reputed teacher. You can choose between any of the branches of yoga, but a strong, grounded practice, like that of Hatha Yoga, will be most useful.
As a yoga student, no doubt, you will learn a variety of poses and techniques. During menopause, some of the techniques that will help include:
  • Tadasana or mountain pose
  • Virbhadrasana or warrior pose
  • Trikonasana or triangle pose
  • Padmasana or lotus pose
  • Leg raises
  • Kapalbhati cleansing techniques
  • Bhujangasana or cobra pose
  • Pavanmuktasana or pose to release air.
  • Anuloma viloma breathing techniques
  • Meditation

Yoga for Fibromyalgia | Exercise for Fibromyalgia

Cure for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a disorder that is characterised by chronic, widespread pain all over the body, and extreme sensitivity in the form of a painful response to what would normally be perceived as a gentle touch. Other symptoms include a range of allied problems like debilitating fatigue, sleep problems and joint stiffness. People also tend to suffer from breathing difficulty, bowel abnormality, numbness and tingling and cognitive dysfunction, to name a few related problems.

This is a problem that doctors are still learning about, and new research is helping them understand. There are varied cures for fibromyalgia, which include Analgesics, antidepressants and anti-seizure medication. Unfortunately, patients often report that a medical remedy for fibromyalgia is not enough, and the symptoms do not disappear. Because of them, many sufferers look to an alternative treatment of fibromyalgia. One of these treatments is yoga, which has been shown to help a lot.

Yoga - Alternative Treatment for Fibromyalgia

Yoga originated in India thousands of years ago, and is a system of exercise designed to strengthen the body and mind, and unify the body, mind and breath. While the practice of yoga spans all your activities, the basis of yoga is a set of exercises that include stretching and breathing, in the form of poses known as asanas. Yoga provides spiritual relaxation, and helps you to know the true state of your body and mind. It may be that during this search, you will also realise why your body suffers the way it does, and gain the tools to be free from suffering.

To learn yoga, you will need to study under a trained guru or teacher. There are many qualified teachers across North America, and they all teach varied forms of yoga. These include Hatha Yoga, Kundalini yoga, and Ashtanga yoga. There are plenty of newer forms too, like Power yoga and Bikram yoga, but it is suggested that you stick to basic forms of yoga, which have a strong emphasis on the mind–body–breath connect.

How can yoga for fibromyalgia help?

When studied with dedication, yoga has many mental and spiritual benefits. But, even at the most basic level, it has physical benefits that can help with fibromyalgia. A good guru can help you with a tailor-made program for your own needs. He or she may even teach you exercises that do not need you to lie down, which you can do till the pain decreases. The benefits include:
  • Increased muscle strength and decreased pain.
  • More endurance and stamina.
  • Improved mood and relief from depression.
  • Better sleep.
  • Improved concentration.

How to practice yoga?

A good tutor will teach you everything you need to know about yoga, and keep you from injury. Remember to follow these few pointers to keep it safe and beautiful.
  • Always warm up. Before your session, start with a few minutes of warm up by moving your hands and feet.
  • Start slow. Don’t dive directly into it, but start with a few easy asana, for 10 to 15 minutes every day.
  • Be regular. You need to practice it every day to gain the maximum benefit.
  • Do only what you can. The rule in yoga, unlike in western exercise, is that there should be no pain. If you feel any pain, immediately stop what you are doing and inform your teacher.

Yoga for Bursitis | Yoga Remedy for Bursitis

Bursae are small sacks of synovial fluid in the body. They rest at places where muscles and tendons slide across a bone, providing a smooth, frictionless movement. Bursitis is a condition in which one of more of these bursae gets inflamed. When this happens, the movement that the affected bursa enables becomes painful and difficult. To make matters worse, when you move the muscles in that area, they rub against the bursa, making the problem even more acute. This may happen due to many reasons, but the primary one is repetitive use or overuse, or where too much pressure is applied on the joint. When the bursa swell, it may also reduce the space left for the joint to move.

Cure for Bursitis

Bursitis most often affects the knees, hips, elbow or shoulder. If the bursitis is not affected, then all it needs is some ice compresses, a little medication and a lot of rest. If it is infected, though, you’ll need to get it investigated and treated by a doctor. The best thing for bursitis is of course to not move the affected area.

Think of any illness as your body trying to give you a message. If your elbow is inflamed, your body is telling you that you’ve been doing something wrong with your elbow, and you should stop it. It’s also saying that it needs a break. You should obey your body and rest.

If you haven’t been practicing yoga from before, then this is no time to get started. Wait for the affected area to heal, and you can then start yoga. If you have been practicing yoga, the first question to ask yourself is whether the yoga itself caused the bursitis. Yoga is a science, and when practiced incorrectly, can be injurious. So consider if you’ve been executing yoga asanas or yoga poses with proper form and technique, and if not, work on correcting it.

Yoga Exercise for Bursitis

If you know what caused the bursitis, though, and it isn’t the yoga, you can continue with your yoga practice. The only caveat is that you shouldn’t stress the joints that are affected. For instance, in the case of shoulder bursitis, you should avoid poses where the hands are raised above parallel to the floor. You should be able to do Virabhadrasana II (Warrior Pose II), Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose), or Urdhva Hastasana (Upward Salute) without any pain. Try and avoid poses like Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog), Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand), Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Balance) or Salamba Sirsasana (Supported Headstand) till the pain subsides. Yoga differs from western exercise, in that you should never feel any pain, so listen to your body. You can also carry on with meditative and breathing techniques.

Yoga for Vertigo | Exercise for Vertigo Relief

Vertigo is a kind of dizziness, where a person feels a sensation of spinning. Sometimes, it can be mild and make the person slightly dizzy, but it is often debilitating, and can stop a person from carrying out day to day activities. It is also known as a ‘hallucination of motion’. A person may develop vertigo at any point in his or her life. If you or someone you know experiences the symptoms of vertigo it would be important to seek immediate medical advice.

The body’s spatial ability, or sense of balance, depends on a number of different organs. These give the brain information on where the body is pointing, and which side it is facing. The organs include the inner ear, which has a fluid responsible for balance. The ear monitors the direction of motion, such as turning forward or backward movement and side to side, and helps keep a person standing. Similarly, the eyes tell the brain where you are in space in relation to other things. Pressure points in the joints and spine tell the brain which part of the body is touching the ground. Putting all this information together is the central nervous system. When the brain receives conflicting information from these different organs, you will feel dizziness or vertigo.

Causes of Vertigo

There are many causes to vertigo, and it’s important to know what you are suffering from. Shortage of blood to the brain may cause you to feel lightheaded. This may happen if you have heart problems or anaemia. Diet problems may cause vertigo, especially excess salt. Circulation may also be affected by stress, anxiety and tension.

One of the more specific and persistent causes of vertigo is when the inner ear fails to receive enough blood flow. This may be caused by several factors, and episodes are often prompted by a specific behavior.

Injuries, especially in the skull bones or the ear can cause a very profound vertigo. This can last for a long time before the other ear takes over. Infections and allergies from viruses can often impair the inner ear and the nerves that are connected to it. This may result in severe vertigo.

Neurological diseases like multiple sclerosis, tumors, and syphilis can also cause vertigo.

Natural Remedy for Vertigo

Yoga can be a natural remedy for vertigo. Yoga is an ancient Indian system of exercise which unites mind, body and breath. In the west, yoga has become very popular, and is often touted as a cure to many ills. But, keep in mind that there are no short cuts in yoga and just practicing a few asanas or poses every day will not help you. It will require you to bring a change into your complete lifestyle. This will mean eating healthy, staying away from intoxicants and even working on your mental state. You also start exercise for vertigo.

There are many different schools of yoga that you can choose from. All of them have the same underlying philosophy, but if you suffer from vertigo, it may be better for you to choose a more basic form of yoga like hatha yoga. Yoga postures will help to improve your balance, and strengthen your nervous system to keep the dizzy spells away. Yoga will also help you cultivate your focus and concentration. As you become adept at yoga, you will find that you are able to feel and understand your body better. This will help you understand what is causing your problems yourself.

How to Treat Vertigo?

When you become the student of an experienced guru or teacher, be sure to tell him or her that you suffer from vertigo, to enable him to tell you how to treat vertigo. While this will help your guru select a few poses or asanas for you specifically, you will still have to learn and practice other poses. This is because yoga is a holistic science, and just practicing a few poses will do you no good. You will also need to practice meditation and breathing exercises.

Some yoga poses that can give you relief from vertigo include:
  • Malasana or garland pose
  • Halasana or plough pose
  • Savasana or corpse pose
  • Sirsasana or head stand
  • Pranayama or breathing techniques.
  • Mudras or postures like Sanmukhi mudra.

Benefits of Hatha Yoga Asanas and Yoga Postures

What is Hatha Yoga?

Yogi Swatmarama founded hatha yoga in the fifteenth century. The primary aim of hatha yoga is to prepare the body and mind advanced meditation; its basis purpose is to strengthen and purify the body. The word hatha is made up of two words meaning “Sun” and “Moon.” Hatha yoga comprises asana and breathing exercises known as pranayama. While hatha yoga is extremely popular in the West for its asana, in India, it considered to be a way of life. Simply put, hatha yoga is a calm and slow paced form of yoga. It is suitable for those who just want to relieve stress and also for those who want to prepare themselves for higher levels of meditation.

Hatha Yoga Poses and Positions

Hatha yoga is more commonly known as simply yoga. Most hatha yoga poses or hatha yoga asanas can be performed by anyone, regardless of the level of flexibility and fitness. A standard session ranges from 90 to 120 minutes, but beginners can start with 30 to 45 minute sessions. It is important to focus on relaxation while practicing any of the hatha yoga postures.

Hatha yoga can be practiced anywhere; the essential requirements are a quiet room and comfortable clothing. On the other hand, the benefits of hatha yoga are multifold. Apart from improving flexibility and strength, hatha yoga also helps to develop muscle tone and acquire correct posture. In fact, it has been touted that regular practice of hatha yoga positions can help in alleviating aches and pains as well as PMS.

Hatha Yoga Benefits

Hatha yoga has several physical and mental benefits; after all, it was originally developed with the sole purpose of preparing the mind and body for higher levels of meditation. Listed below are just some of the physical as well as mental benefits of hatha yoga:
  • Increased flexibility and strength
  • Improved muscle joint mobility
  • Correction of posture and strengthening the spine
  • Alleviation back pain
  • Improvement of muscular-skeletal conditions, including weak knees, sore neck and shoulders, and scoliosis
  • Enhanced balance, stamina and grace
  • Improvement of the body’s endocrine, digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and immune system
  • Weight loss
  • Increased awareness and relief from stress
  • Improvement in concentration and attention
  • Relaxation of the body and mind
  • More recently, western doctors and researchers have been attempting to determine the benefits of hatha yoga with respect to serious life-threatening illnesses such as arteriosclerosis, chronic fatigue, arthritis, AIDS, asthma, diabetes and obesity.

Some References:

Benefits of Power Yoga Poses and Postures

Power yoga is a relatively new branch of yoga. It was introduced to the western world by two American yoga teachers around eighty years ago. Since, it has been growing steadily. In the last decade or so, the popularity of power yoga has grown exponentially. It is now one of the most popular forms of yoga that is practiced in the West.

Power Yoga Poses and Postures

Power yoga is essentially a variation of Ashtanga yoga. The yogic techniques have been modified so as to make them more lively, energetic, and appealing to the modern generation, with an emphasis on fitness. Power yoga techniques readily lend themselves to gyms and are ideal for those looking for a vigorous, fitness based approach to yoga. However, power yoga poses are not as easy as other yoga styles and require a higher level of fitness and flexibility. Despite your level of fitness is important to learn the complete power yoga series from the beginning. The first step of this series is considered to be the most important one. It oscillates around the synchronization of your body and mind and the flushing of toxins from the body. The next step of the power yoga sequence concentrates on increasing the stamina and flexibility of the muscles as well as cleansing the nervous channels.

Power Yoga Benefits

Needless to say, the health benefits of power yoga are many. In fact, completing a series of power yoga postures will help in stretching and strengthening your body and relaxing and calming the mind. Some of its benefits have been listed below:
  • Improved joint flexibility and movement
  • Increased muscle tone and strength
  • Enhanced stamina and physical endurance
  • Correction and improvement of posture
  • Flushing out of toxins from the body
  • Improved mental awareness
  • Increased ability to concentrate and focus
  • Easing of stress and tension
  • Alleviation of aches and pains caused by tension and stress.
  • Relaxation of the body and mind.
Power yoga also helps in warming up the body. This helps not only in achieving a higher state of awareness but also in eliminating unwanted and harmful bacteria from the body. Since power yoga focuses on the synchronization of the body and mind it helps in allowing an individual to attain a higher levels of awareness and inner strength. Power yoga has also been used as a training option by many athletes and sports people.

Swara Yoga - A Yogic Breathing Exercise

Yoga is the art of manipulating and sculpting your body to perform better by clarifying your mind and spirit. One of the famous yogic ways that puts you in harmony with the whole solar system is Swara yoga.

Swara Yoga - Yoga Breathing Exercise

Swara yoga teaches you to believe that the human body is a unit of the solar system. So, it needs to keep performing according to other members of the solar system including the planets, moon, and sun. Swara yoga is based on the art of breathing and swara yoga teachers have developed different yogic breathing techniques to synchronize your body with its surrounding.

Another important principle used in this form of yoga is that the right and left nostrils are connected to specific activities. So, you breathe mainly through one nostril while performing special activities. For example, if you are playing music then you breathe through your left nostril while you breathe from the right one when you are writing.

Swar yoga can offer a wide variety of benefits. The main objective of these yogic breathing exercises is to maintain peacefulness of the spirit. The first yogic breathing technique is used for calming your mind and body; it is called equal breathing. Sit down and start inhaling while counting to four as a start, and try exhaling in the same time frame. Try changing the count for a longer period but maintain the same time for inhaling and exhaling.

Yoga Breathing Techniques

If you practice power yoga or any type of vigorous yoga then you may want to try the cooling breath technique. It is an easy technique that cools the body down after hard exercises. Sit down in a comfortable seated position with your back upright. Warm up by breathing three times before you start the exercise. Curl your tongue and start inhaling from your mouth then exhale through nostrils.

The ocean breath or the power breath is used when you need extra power while you are practicing hard yoga positions. The idea oscillates about forcing air in and out by constricting the air passage outlet. Try first to practice the ocean breath independently. When you master this technique, perform it in association with other yoga poses. Try to master the exhalation first, as it is the easier part. Exhale while you are constricting the back of your throat. When you master this, you can move to the inhaling part. Maintain the same position of your throat and inhale through your mouth. After a while you will feel the power of the ocean breath and you will learn how to use it perfectly.

Yoga for Immune System | Boosting Immune System

How to Improve Immune System?

Yoga is not only a 5,000-year-old form of exercise but also an integrated way of life. It is meant to affect the physical, mental, and spiritual status of a person. Practicing yoga on a constant basis will result in great benefits to your overall health. While yoga benefits all the systems of the body to a great extent, it is known to have the maximum impact of the immune system. Yoga is a good alternative for if you are interested in knowing how to improve your immune system in order to be able to combat daily ailments such as colds and coughs as well as aches and pains.

Boost Immune System

Simply put, our immune system is a defense mechanism that protects the body from bacteria, viruses, and toxins. While it does have a very simple role, it is in no way an easy one. In fact, most of us at some point or the other attempt to strengthen; after all, it is the key to good health. Before we delve into how yoga can affect your immune system, let’s consider the factors that weaken the system:
  • Being in a toxin-heavy environment
  • Consuming foods that have toxins in them
  • Bad diet habits and lack of exercise
  • Leading extremely stressful lives

Yoga for Immune System

Lets address each of the factors for a weak immune system and see how yoga helps to negate them. First, the most commonly practiced form of yoga, also known as hatha yoga, helps to improve the functioning of the immune system by flushing out unnecessary toxins from the body. Second, yoga is a form of exercise and it inculcates discipline. This helps in giving the body the required amount of physical exercise; the discipline taught by yoga helps us in improving our diet and lifestyle habits. Finally, practicing yoga on a regular basis decreases the amounts of stress hormones released in the body, thereby ensuring that the immune system is working effectively against viral and bacterial attacks.

Moreover, some yoga asanas, such as the Tortoise Posture (Kurmasana), if practiced regularly stimulates the thymus gland to produce antibodies. The thymus gland is important in that it is responsible for producing the required antibodies that combat viral and bacterial infections.

Listed below are some of the other ways in which yoga boosts the performance of the immune system:
  • Improves circulation and oxygen flow
  • Helps in clearing out mucus from the lungs and sinuses
  • Increases lung mobility
  • Stimulates all internal organs
  • Soothes the nervous system

Yoga to Tone Muscles | Muscle Toning Workouts

Muscle Toning Exercise

Yoga is a way of life rather than a sport. It can be used to boost your overall health, including your muscles. Even if you are a newcomer to the yoga community, you still can benefit from yoga for muscle toning. It all depends on where you start and what you do to get the most out of your yoga practice.

It is recommended that you should start practicing yoga in a class and not on your own. This will enable you to learn the basics from experienced teachers and instructors. It is also a good idea to start at a slow pace, because it is more important to master each yoga posture instead of just incorrectly performing many different postures.

Sculpting your body through yoga is a very wise decision as you can tone your muscles and improve your overall health at the same time. When following a balanced diet while practicing yoga, you can lose weight and sculpt your body. The optimum way to facilitate weight loss and tone the muscles is by following a traditional yogic diet that relies predominantly on non-spicy vegetarian food.

To get the most out of your muscle toning exercises you have to learn how to breathe while you are performing these exercises. Yoga is all about breath control and many of the postures have to be held for extended periods of time, so if you don’t get your breathing right, you could end up harming yourself.

Yoga Muscle Tone

You can combine yoga with your regular muscle toning workout to get marvelous results. Working on cardio and muscle strength, gives you the best results because you can gain muscle and burn fat at the same time. In fact, yoga can also be used an excellent warm up routine. The Surya Namaskara, or Sun Salutation, a series of 12 yogic postures, is one of the best warm up routines.

Yoga can also be used to help you cool down after a strenuous session of exercise at the gym. Poses such as the Shava Asana (Corpse Pose) allow you to relax each and every inch of your body from head to toe. Stretching poses such as the Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) also help to stretch the entire body and decrease the production of lactic acid.

Yoga turns your muscle toning exercises into a full body makeover. You will not only work out your muscles but you will synchronize your mental and spiritual self as well.

Some References: Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding - The online bodybuilding bible for men and women who want to learn more about the art and sport of bodybuilding.
Muscle Gain Weight Training Program - How To Gain Muscle Mass and Weight.

Yoga for Tummy Reduction | Reduce Tummy Fat

How to Reduce Tummy?

Yoga can invigorate and reinvent life. Not only can yoga make you feel years younger but it lends your body the best of health. Yoga assists all your muscles, bones, and organs enabling them to function at their optimum levels and resist the attacks of diseases.

Obesity is a major cause of concern today. The increase in the number of over-weight cases within the last few decades has been accelerated due to various factors like sedentary lifestyles, food items with extra calories (junk), more inclination to TV watching than outdoor activities, and stress.

You need to lose overall fat from your body if you desire a fit and flat tummy. There are specific asanas in Yoga that help in achieving tummy reduction. The various asanas that aid in tightening the abdomen are the Child pose, Abdominal lift, Wind releasing pose, Cobra pose, Spinal twist, and the Yogic Seal pose. Of these, the Wind releasing pose and Spinal twist are especially beneficial.

Tummy Reduction Exercises

The best way to make your body supple is by practicing yoga. It offers one of the most permanent and wholesome solutions to nearly all health problems and endows you with a healthy and toned body. Yoga helps in reducing stress levels, which in turn helps to assimilate body-mind practices better.

There are certain precautions that you should take while practicing yoga. Initially, you should go slow and concentrate on your body’s capability and breathing. Never cross your limits while performing a yoga pose, as in that case you may harm yourself.

To achieve weight loss, particularly around the tummy, you should be highly determined and it should be your foremost priority, as the vast majority of diseases arise from obesity, either directly or indirectly. Unfortunately there is no magic cure that can solve your problem overnight, but persistence and determination do pay off ultimately. After losing a few pounds within a couple of weeks, you’ll feel motivated and truly come to understand the benefits of yoga.

Yoga does not take much of your time. You need not go to a gymnasium or purchase any expensive machinery or medications. It only requires discipline and an unbending focus on your part, along with guidance from an experienced practitioner. In the majority of cases, people love to be in shape but are reluctant to perform hard physical activities. Yoga is the best solution for them as it doesn’t take much time or sweat, but will also bring about a change of heart. It is static in practice but dynamic in obtaining results.

Moreover, yoga can cause no adverse reactions if practiced appropriately as the practices are movements and actions that should come naturally to us.

Yoga to Tone Breasts | Enhancement & Reduction

There are various reasons that bring about a change in the size of a woman’s breasts. Aspects like age, change in overall body weight, contraceptive pills, and menstrual cycle are some of the causes that lead to a change in the breast size and tone.

Yoga and Breasts

Breasts are made up of fat and do not have any muscle tissues. As a result, any exercise performed with a view to increase or reduce the breast size in fact works on chest muscles that subsequently uphold the breast tissues. Exercises offered in yoga for breast improvement also work on the chest and upper back muscles.

There are exercises for breasts in yoga that can help in reducing them, enhancing them or even toning up the breasts.

Yoga for Breast Enhancement

If a woman is under weight, the size of the breasts is often small. An ideal breast size can also be achieved once you gain the ideal body weight as per the frame. This can be achieved by way of exercise and a balanced diet. Following are some of the yoga poses that help in enhancement of the breast muscles:

Sitting Pose
This is one of the simplest exercises in yoga. Seat yourself on the floor and fold your hands at the elbow as if you are praying. Press the base of the palms against each other, count till five and release. Perform this repeatedly for one min for twice or thrice every day.

Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose
For this pose, lie flat on the floor on the stomach with your chin touching the floor. Now slip your hands under the thighs and stretch your toes upwards. Now raise your upper body with the help of your elbows from the ground until your arms turn straight. But while are you doing this, keep the lower areas like the pelvis, thighs and feet held firmly to the ground. Stay in this pose for 15 seconds.

Push-up exercises can really help enhance the breast muscles.

Yoga for Breast Reduction

It is important to note that yoga as an exercise can help reduce one’s overall body weight instead of the weight of a particular part in the body. Moreover, the size of the breasts depends a lot on the inherited genes. Poses like Ashtanga and Power yoga can help tremendously in burning unwanted calories. Power yoga should be performed in a room that is climate controlled so as to help enhance the rate of metabolism thereby, helping in burning the calories.

Certain resistance exercises also prove useful in toning up the breasts. One such yoga exercise is Paschimottanasan (Spinal Stretch). If practiced regularly, this asana helps cope with several chest and abdomen related disorders.

Yet another frequently used yoga pose to reduce excessive breast is Shirshasana or the Head Stand. In this pose, the person stands on his head upside down which makes the blood flow towards the head and the heart due to gravity. Shirshasana is a highly advanced form of yoga; hence, it must be performed under a trained yoga professional.

Some Alternative for Breast Enhancement:
Compare UK breast enlargement (augmentation) prices - Compare UK cosmetic surgery prices. Read clinic reviews. Packed with useful guides on breast augmentation, tips and impartial information. Cosmetic surgery forums. Free to use. No hidden charges.
Breast Augmentation Philippines - All the facts you need to know about Breast Augmentation Procedure.

Yoga for Sleeping Disorder | Sleeping Problems

Yoga for Sleep Related Problems

While yoga is world renowned for its effective ways of a healthy living, very few know the benefits of this exercise in curing sleep related problems.

Yoga is a form of exercise that works on the union of body mind and spirit. Along with making the body fit and healthy, it also helps a lot in improving blood circulation, muscle and joint flexibility as well as improvement in sleeping habits.

Yoga can help tackle sleep related problems through tension releasing exercises and poses that loosen up the tight muscles and put you into a deep state of relaxation. However, it calls for a bit of work and serious attention. These breathing and stretching exercises are developed to pace down those thoughts racing in your mind. This yoga for sleep helps channel out the flow of stress hormones that the body generates when you are stressed.

There are a few gentle stretching exercises before hitting the sack that can help you relax and get rid of all that tension. All poses in yoga for sleep are aimed at keeping you fit and active during the day so as to make your body feel ready to sleep at night. Certain yoga poses have a calming effect on your body.

Forward bending exercises like the Standing Forward Bend, Head to Knee pose, Downward Facing Dog Pose, and the Seated Forward Bend help in stimulating the response to relaxation and ease the nervous system. There are also supine poses like the Bridge Pose, Reclining Bound Angle Pose and the Reclining Hero Pose. There is also the Supported Shoulder Stand which can be performed right before heading to bed for a good night sleep. Poses like the Plow Pose, Supported Headstand, and the Legs up the Wall Pose are effective in case the sleep deprivation is hormonal.

One can also perform a gentle rhythmic cycle of breathing while resting on the bed to overcome sleep related problems. Before going to bed, one can perform gentle stretching which aids relaxation and releases tension. The Happy Baby pose helps release all the stress from parts like the hips and the lower back while the Goddess Pose opens up the groins. The Corpse Pose which is performed at the end of every yoga session works effectively in relaxing the body and clearing the clutter that the mind may usually be filled with in order to get sound sleep.

Yoga for Menstruation | Irregular Menstruation

Irregular Menstruation Cycle

Menstruation is an important part of every woman’s life cycle. A woman begins to go through a series of hormonal changes during the menstruation cycle that occurs once every month. Unfortunately almost every woman is likely to experience a menstruation problem by way of anxiety, stress and several mood swings at some point of time.

Yoga for Menstruation

Yoga is often referred to as one of the healthiest and natural ways of treating menstrual problems. By practicing different forms of yoga on a regular basis, one can ensure pain relief and direct the body and mind towards a healthy being.

A regular practice of Hatha Yoga which is a blend of yoga poses, meditation, and deep breathing, paves the way towards a healthy, pain free life. It is often recommended for women to perform yoga during their menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause as it helps ease the discomfort during such phases. Even the PMS phase can be reduced with the help of yoga.

There are various exercises in yoga for menstrual pains ranging from delayed menstruation, to an irregular menstruation cycle. Poses like Dhanurasana or the bow pose, Virasana or the hero's pose, Janu Shirsana or head to knee pose, Baddha konasana or cobbler's pose, Pachimottansana or back to spine stretching pose, and Matysyasana or fish pose are basically aimed at increasing the flexibility of the spine, help tone abdominal muscles, reduce the stress levels, and restore the hormonal balance by regulation of the endocrine system. Some of the poses aid in re-energizing the energy centers in the body and helps balance body functions. One can perform some of these poses atleast 3 to 5 times a day and try and hold the body in the stretched position for at least 30 seconds.

What will help regulating the menstrual cycles in a better way would be the incorporation of a few breathing exercises along with these poses. For instance, Pranayama can prove to be very beneficial in regulating the menstrual cycles. Anulom Vilom or deep breathing through the nostrils in alternate rounds is very helpful in reducing the stress levels and cools the body off. Kapalbhati or forceful breathing by pressurizing the stomach can significantly work towards regulating ailments like thyroid, obesity and other digestive problems which prove to the factors contributing to the cause of irregular periods.

Along with yoga for menstruation, breathing exercises, a healthy diet at regularized times, reduction in the intake of meat and caffeine, especially red meat, can help tackle menstruation problems.

Yoga for Arms, Reduce Arm Size | Arm Stretches

How to reduce arm?

It’s one thing to wish for the perfect arms but another to achieve it. While there are many regular exercises practiced to develop well toned arms, there are some poses offered in yoga for arms that can work wonders in giving the desired results.

Yoga Arm Poses

Bakasana or the Crow Pose: This pose begins by bending the knees slightly and placing the palms at shoulder distance on the floor. After that, rest your knees at the back of your upper arms. Now, slowly start coming forward, lifting the weight of the body on the arms, with the knees rested behind the upper arms. Raise the entire body with your feet off the floor, and balance yourself with them up. Hold this position for a few seconds and retrieve. This practice of yoga for arms helps those who want to strengthen their wrists, forearms, and even abdomen along with improving balance.

Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog: For this yoga arm pose, first, set yourself on the floor using your hands and knees. Place your knees right below the hips and your hands forward, slightly ahead of your shoulders. Open your palms wide with the index fingers facing parallel and your toes turned under. Now raise your knees away from the floor. Try to keep your knees bent and heels raised away from the floor. Stretch the tailbone away behind your pelvis. To resist this pose, raise the sitting bones towards the top and draw your inner legs with the help of your inner ankles up into the groin region. This is one of the popular yoga arm stretches used in classes helping in overall stretching of the body.

Plank Pose: After performing the downward facing dog pose, bring your torso forward till the point where your shoulders stand straight on the wrists and your entire body is in one straight line. This pose is similar to the ‘push ups’ exercise often performed at the gym. Keep the forearms and hands firmly pressed towards the floor without letting the chest sink, and press the back with the help of your heels. Maintain the neck in the same line with the spine and try to stretch your shoulder blades. This is a good pose to strengthen the arms and spine and helps prepare for more arm balances.

Four-Limbed Staff Pose or Chaturanga Dandasana: This is a pose that also benefits in strengthening the abdomen, arms, and wrists. Almost like a push-up, the Chaturanga pose can be performed by bending the arms backwards from the Plank position while keeping the upper arms hugged onto the sides. Then, come lower towards the floor upto the point where the forearms and your upper arms are in a perpendicular angle. Keep the entire body leveled and push the heels back. Later, roll over your toes and come into the Upward Facing Dog pose.

Tittibhasana or Firefly Pose: Squat with your legs wide apart. Place the palms flat on the floor under your feet and bend the elbows backwards as performed in the Four-Limbed Staff Yoga Pose. Start pushing your body weight backwards and rest on your upper arms and bring the feet up off the floor. Straighten your legs and then straighten up your arms.

Yoga Poses for Weight Loss | Yoga and Weight Loss

Are you looking for a new and effective way of losing weight? Are you tired of sweating it out for hours on a treadmill without seeing any appreciable results? Is there a way to lose weight in a healthy manner? If these are some of the thoughts that are whirling around in your head, I’d like to point you to a path that you may not have considered earlier - yoga.

Yoga to Lose Weight

It’s true that people normally don’t consider yoga and weight loss in the same vein, but take a moment to think about it. Go through any television program, rent a yoga DVD, or go visit your nearest yoga class. You will invariably find that people who have been practicing yoga regularly are fit and lean, never fat.

There is a very good reason for this. Yoga is one of the best exercises for weight loss. Why is yoga so effective? Well, you see, yoga works on many different levels at the same time. At the end of the day, yoga aims to bring your body and mind to a natural state, where your entire being functions as one, with full efficiency, and in perfect harmony with the rest of the universe. Let’s take a look at some of the yoga poses for weight loss.

Yoga Exercises for Weight Loss - Yoga Asanas

Surya Namaskara: The Surya Namaskara or Sun Salutation is a series of 12 exercises that are performed in a sequential manner. These 12 exercises not only strengthen your body and make it suppler, they also help to boost your metabolism and make your body burn fat faster than ever.

Dwichkrika Asana: You’ve probably already tried this exercise without knowing that it is actually a yoga pose. The Dwichkrika Asana or Prone Cycling Pose helps to strengthen your abdominal regions and also helps in burning fat. Just a couple of minutes of performing this yoga exercise for weight loss can work wonders on your midsection.

Ardha Hala Asana: The Ardha Hala Asana or Half Plough Pose is one of the best yoga asanas for weight loss. This asana helps to stimulate the digestive system and boosts your metabolism. It is also one of the best exercises to lose that stubborn fat that accumulates on the lower abdomen.

Pawan Mukta Asana: The Pawan Mukta Asana, or Wind Releasing Posture, is also an excellent exercise to stimulate the digestive system and one of the more popular yoga poses for weight loss. This amazing exercise not only tones your midsection, but also helps to dispel any gas that is trapped in the intestines.

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How To Lose Weight In Your Sleep

Yoga Exercises for Snoring | Remedy for Snoring

What causes snoring?

We snore when our breathing passage is temporarily blocked. This can happen due to a number of factors including obesity, stress, tonsillitis, bad eating habits, certain medicines, and the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, or smoking.

Snoring problems can prove to be a major irritant to other people sleeping in the same room. It also affects your quality of sleep because your body has to work extra hard to get a sufficient supply of fresh air, and exhale stale air. Snoring can also lead to a number of health problems such as sleep apnea, headaches, hypertension, and heart disease.

How to cure snoring?

There are many natural snoring remedies including using a special pillow, avoiding sleeping on your back, consuming a healthy diet, and exercises for snoring. Yoga is by far the best remedy for snoring. This is because yoga helps to address the underlying factors that precipitate snoring.

Let us take a look at some of the yoga techniques that can be used as a remedy for snoring problems.

Simha Garjana Asana: The Simha Garjana Asana, or Roaring Lion Pose, is an excellent remedy for snoring. To perform this posture, sit on the floor in the Vajra Asana (Diamond Pose). Now spread your legs so that your thighs are almost parallel to your shoulders. Place your palms on the floor (or yoga mat) between your knees such that your wrists point outwards and your fingers point towards your body. Lean forward and tilt your head back. Concentrate on a point at the center of your eyebrows, and inhale deeply thought the nostrils. Open your mouth, tick out your tongue and exhale. Let out the exhaled breath with a growling sound. Repeat this process a couple of times. This posture helps to remove any obstructions in your breathing passages and is a natural cure for snoring.

Ujjayi Pranayama: Pranayama is a term that refers to the breathing techniques that are taught as a part of yoga. Ujjayi Pranayama, or the Hissing Breath, increases the capacity of your lungs and removes any blockages in your throat. It is one of the best exercises for snoring.

To perform this breathing exercise, sit down in the Sukha Asana (Easy Pose) or Padma Asana (Lotus Pose). Start to breathe deeply through your nostrils and close your eyes, until your body enters a state of calm. Now inhale forcefully through both the nostrils, contracting your neck muscles to produce a low, throbbing sound. You may feel a vibration in your chest and head. Hold this inhaled breath for as long as you can. Now close one of your nostrils with your fingers and slowly exhale through the other nostril. Repeat this process with the other nostril. This breathing exercise for snoring should be performed at least three to five times every day.

Yoga for Shoulder Pain | Shoulder Pain Remedy

Shoulder Pain Relief

Our shoulders are one of the most misused parts of our body in this day and age. Think about - don’t spend any time in exercising the shoulder muscles so that they can become stronger, yet at the same time these muscles are expected to bear the brunt of heavy laptop bags and backpacks. In fact, this abuse of our shoulders starts right from childhood when we traipse off to school with heavy satchels loaded with books on our frail shoulders. To this lifetime of abuse, throw in some stress, and seven to eight hours spent hunched in front of a computer, and it’s no surprise that your shoulders are screaming for attention.

Remedy for Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is merely a sign that your shoulder muscles are bearing more stress than they can handle. Realistically it isn’t possible to reduce the amount of stress on them, unless you’re filthy rich and can afford to have someone carry your bags and do all your work for you. So the logical solution is that you need to strengthen your shoulders so that they are strong enough to deal with the entire load that you make them bear.

Shoulder Pain Exercises

There are a number of shoulder pain exercises that can not only provide relief from shoulder pain, but also make your shoulder muscles stronger. One of the best forms of exercise that you can perform for shoulder pain is yoga. Yoga is an ancient, holistic form of exercise that is beneficial to the body and the mind. This gentle form of therapy can easily be performed by people in any age group or physical condition. Let’s take a look at some of the yoga shoulder pain exercises that can offer prompt and permanent relief.

One of the simplest and best poses for shoulder pain is the Cat Pose. Also known as the Cat-Cow Pose, this gentle stretching exercise not only massages the shoulders, but also helps to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles. Perform this exercise at least 10 to 15 times every day.

Another excellent remedy for shoulder pain is the Downward Facing Dog Pose. This pose can be performed immediately after the Cat Pose. When performed in tandem, these poses provide a gentle stretch to the entire body and eliminate stress from all parts, especially the shoulders.

The Cobra Pose is a good yoga shoulder pain exercise. This exercise not only helps to alleviate the pain, but also strengthens the shoulder muscles so that your shoulders are better equipped to handle any load that you may place on them.

Yoga for lower back pain | Lower back pain remedy

Stress and life-style diseases are on the rise nowadays. Yoga has been reckoned as the perfect antidote to mental stress and associated illness. Yoga is helping people to face and cure different modern day challenges and diseases like asthma, snoring, constipation, diabetes, high blood pressure, migraine, back pain, heart problem, and gas through different yoga techniques.

Cure for Lower Back Pain

As the body gets older, the flexibility of the back starts to weaken. Practicing yoga can help to increase flexibility of the hamstrings and lower back. Back pain is an affliction that affects millions of people and they experience this form of pain at least once in their lifetime. The hips are connected to a person’s lower spine. About eighty percent of people who suffer from pain in their back do so because of hip problems. Yoga is a very old practice which can improve back flexibility and contribute to a healthier life. Not many people know the benefits of yoga in helping to reduce back pain. Back pain may arise due to different reasons like:
  • Muscle injury/damage
  • Ligament injury/damage
  • Disc injury
  • Stress/ tension
  • Improper posture
Some of the ways in which yoga can help in lower back pain management are:
  • It reduces physical impairment by increasing the strength and flexibility of the back.
  • It increases self-efficacy and conscious awareness of the body.
  • It has a positive effect on relieving stress.
  • It improves the neuroendocrine function.
There are specific yoga poses for lower back pain, and performing the wrong poses, or with a sloppy technique, can sometimes aggravate existing pain. It is important to have a thorough knowledge about the poses which are helpful in relieving back pain. One should hold each pose for five to ten seconds, depending upon level of comfort, and these should be done on a mat or other soft, supportive surface.

Some of the best yoga poses for relieving back pain are
  • Corpse Pose (Shava Asana)
  • Cat Stretch (Bidal Asana)
  • Sage Twist (Marichya Asana)
  • Palm Tree Pose (Tala Asana)
  • Mountain Pose (Tada Asana)
  • Triangle Pose (Trikona Asana)
  • Fish Pose (Matsya Asana)
  • Locust Pose (Shalabha Asana) and
  • Wind-Releasing Pose (Pavan Mukta Asana)
You must remember to breath regularly so as to increase the circulation and feel the full tension and release of the muscles while trying out these poses. If you can't reach a full stretch, do not be discouraged and keep practicing. The correct yoga for lower back pain ensures that the muscles of the hips are stretched as well as brought back to their proper balance which leads to decreased pain in a person’s back. Yoga is really beneficial not only as a lower back pain remedy, but also for overall well being too.

Yoga for Acidity | Remedy and Cure for Acidity

What causes acidity?

Acids are secreted by the stomach to help the process of digestion by breaking down food. However, sometimes excess acids may be produced in the stomach, leading to acidity. This acid may also sometimes leak back into the esophagus, resulting in acid reflux and heartburn.

How can yoga help to reduce acidity?

There are a number of factors that precipitate acidity including a sluggish digestive system, negative emotions, and stress. Yoga can help you to deal with acidity by addressing all of these issues. In addition, by following a yogic diet you can further ensure that you avoid bouts of acidity.

What are the best yoga poses for acidity?

There a number of yoga poses that help to reduce and control acidity. Let us take a look at some of them.

Vira Asansa: The Vira Asana, or Hero Pose, is an excellent pose for stimulating the digestive system and reducing acidity. This posture can even be performed after meals and is an excellent acidity remedy.

Baddha Kona Asana: The Baddha Kona Asana , or Cobbler Pose, is another excellent yoga posture for acidity. In addition, this posture lowers your blood pressure and helps to calm the mind.

Makara Asana: The Makara Asana, or Crocodile Pose, massages the internal organs in the abdomen and helps them to function more efficiently. This not only reduces acidity but ensures that your digestive system functions properly.

Shava Asana: The Corpse Pose, or Shava Asana, helps you to consciously relax each and every part of your body and slow down your breathing rate. This in turn aids in proper digestion and goes a long way in relieving acidity.

Pranayama: Yoga breathing techniques also known as Pranayama helps the mind to relax and ensure that all parts of your body receive a sufficient supply of oxygen. This not only ensures that your body functions more efficiently, but also ensures that your mind is at peace, free of stress, and all other negative mental emotions that serve as a catalyst for acidity.

How to avoid acidity?

In addition to performing yoga for acidity there are a number of other changes that you can make to ensure that you never have to suffer from acidity again.
  • Avoid oily or spicy foods.
  • Stick to a vegetarian yogic diet.
  • Eat several small meals instead of three large ones.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Eat slowly and chew your food well.
  • Avoid drinking too much of coffee, colas, or alcohol as they can precipitate acidity.
  • Smoking also brings about acidity.