Exercise and Adaptability

Since the start of the popularity of personal trainers in the 1980's sports scientists have seen the value of creating and changing a personal workout program. Clinical studies have proven that adaptability when designing a specific program for a specific objective is the best alternative.

Personal trainers all over the world know that when they design a program for a client they need to be able to adapt it to suit the response that they get. It is this adaptability which has not been fully understood by the weight-loss and muscle gain industry.

If a personal trainer is designing a program to get their client to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time, the results that the trainer gets will be directly proportional to how strictly the client adhered to the program. But this problem is excluded by personal trainers who know how to design a program that includes the specific somatotype of the client.

Nobody is a pure 100% Mesomorph, Ectomorph or Endomorph but rather a mix of sometimes all three types. However a good program will include the specific adjustments that are needed when an ectomorph is exercising to when a mesomorph is doing the same exercise.
Gaining muscle is all about gaining strength and the stronger a muscle is the bigger it is however the way that this size is achieved will be different depending on the somatotype. For example any tall thin ectomorph will not respond to the same sets and reps of a given exercise as a mesomorph who puts on muscle very easily will. This means that the program should be designed and adapted accordingly. Even if you are training by yourself and following a specific program you need to make sure that you are changing it at least every 6 weeks. If you do not do that you will fall into the dreaded training plateau where you stop improving no matter how hard you train. The only way to break through any training plateau that all bodybuilders reach at some time or another is to change the way you are training. The body is built to survive and survival is about adaptability. As soon as your body is able to adapt to a certain way of training it stops adapting.
If we are training to reach any specific objective we should use everything at our disposal and using somatotype to design a specific workout and nutrition program makes perfect sense. Over the years it has become a prerequisite for creating a good workout program because we know that it works. It is usually the predominantly endomorphic people who live with a higher body-fat but that can easily be changed with correct nutrition. Any workout program relies on the nutrition that is given to aid the process. Changing the lifestyle in order to achieve this new way of eating is more important than just sticking to a diet.
Any adaptation that the body is able to achieve from doing regular exercise is only achieved with nutrition. The food we eat is what enables our body adapt whether it be to stress of the mind or the body. The truth is that we are what we eat and we always have been. The increase in cancer over the last 100 years and diabetes now the fastest growing disease on the planet, are all because of the diet that we eat which has changed from organic to highly processed and that has reduced our immunity. If we train on a regular basis and eat correctly we will be giving ourselves the best chance to adapt to the unknown future.

Best Foods For Building Muscle

So you want to build some muscle but are not sure about nutrition? Often times you will hear that nutrition is 80% of peoples success and training is only 20%. This may be true to an extent.

Certain foods react differently in the body and cause extreme results, both negative and positive. The best foods for building muscle can vary depending on the person but there are some staples you will find in every bodybuilders kitchen.

Best Foods For Building Muscle:

    Fish: Why fish? Most fish is extremely lean and high in protein. Choosing white fish means you get almost no fat, no carbohydrates, and tonne of protein. Most fish is 20% protein! If you choose a fatty fish such as Salmon, consume in moderation as it contains a high amount of fat (good fat but too much can be detrimental). Most fish can be easily cooked in the microwave making it a convenient option when on the go.
Eggs: Eggs contain high amounts of protein and are high in saturated fat (this is good). The saturated fat in eggs along with the amino acids from the protein are great for maintaining healthy testosterone levels. This hormone is essential for building quality lean muscle.

Sweet Potato or Yam: This is one the easiest foods to cook. All you need is a paper towel and a microwave and you have yourself a lean source of carbohydrates. 100g of sweet potato has only 20g of carbohydrates. Compare that to bread that has is roughly 40% carbs, sweet potatoes are a good option for anyone looking to make lean gains. This is why it made a the list for best foods for building muscle.
Broccoli: Not many people get excited over broccoli but lets change that now! Broccoli is great! Per cup it yields only 4g of carbs yet a whole lot of essential nutrients that are extremely beneficial to our bodybuilding goals. Try steaming broccoli in the microwave and add some Morrocan seasoning to create a dish worth talking about. You can eat plenty of this vegetable without worrying about weight gain and the fiber will keep you full for longer.
Chicken: Chicken is another lean option often yielding no carbohydrates or fat but plenty of protein. This is one of the best foods for building muscle hence why most bodybuilders have plenty of this ready to eat whenever they need it.
Those are my 5 best foods for building muscle. The list could go on but the above foods are the staples in any bodybuilders diet. Play around with the flavours. Add some Cajun seasoning to the meats to make it exciting. Sugar-free BBQ sauce is great option that offers little to no calories. Food doesn't have to bland. Mix things up, try new herbs and spices and these foods will make building muscle so much easier.

Do You Need Vitamin B12 Supplement?

Vitamin B12 is essential for various functions in the body. As one of the B complex vitamins, it is needed for metabolism. Other than its function as a B vitamin, it is needed for DNA synthesis, formation of new and healthy red blood cells, and maintenance of the nervous system. It can be found in animals and animal products, and it can be stored in the liver for a long period of time. Because it is needed for vital processes in the body, deficiency of it has serious health implications, including nervous system disorders. Despite this, many people still do not see the need to get some supplementation of the vitamin even though they have the need to do so. Do you really need it? If your answer is yes to at least one of the following questions, then you should consider taking the supplement.

1. Are you vegan?

Vegans are at risk of developing Vitamin B12 deficiency because of their diet. It is because the food sources of the vitamin are animals and animal products, such as meat, shellfish, milk, and egg. Since they cannot get it from their diet, they can get it through supplementation.

2. Do you have atrophic gastritis?

Those who have atrophic gastritis are prone to developing deficiency of the vitamin because their stomach's ability to absorb it is decreased. The reason for this is that inflammation and thinning of the lining of the stomach as a result of the disease reduces the ability of the stomach to produce acid, which is needed for the absorption of the vitamin.

3. Are you diagnosed with pernicious anemia?

People who have pernicious anemia are strongly advised to take Vitamin B12 supplement. This is because the autoimmune disease stops the production of intrinsic factor, a glycoprotein that the stomach releases that is needed for the absorption of the vitamin.

Vitamin B12: Commonly Asked Questions

Vitamin B12, being a B complex vitamin, is needed for energy metabolism. Moreover, a lot of people tend have to the notion that all vitamins are alike, that is, they help keep the body healthy. Yes, the body needs them, but not all of them have the same roles in different processes and functions in the body. The vitamin is as important as the other vitamins but for different reasons. Here are some frequently asked questions about it and their corresponding answers.

1. How is it different from other B complex vitamins?

It is different from the other B complex vitamins in the sense that it has certain roles that are independent of this group of vitamins. One of its most important roles is the maintenance of the nervous system. It helps build myelin sheaths around the nerves, which protect the nerve fiber and increases the rate conduction of nerve impulses. Damage of myelin sheaths can lead to serious nervous system diseases. And, if you do not have enough levels of the vitamin in your body, the process of building myelin is negatively affected. Another important role it plays is in the production of healthy and new red blood cells.

2. What can happen if I do not have sufficient levels of it?

If you do not have enough Vitamin B12 in your body, you are at risk of developing serious diseases, including anemia and nerve damage, which is usually characterized by dementia, depression, and tingling of the hands and feet.

3. How do I make sure that I have sufficient levels of the vitamin?

It can be stored in your liver for a long period of time, but certain factors can cause your body's ability to absorb it. These include your diet, age, and health conditions with which you are diagnosed, including atrophic gastritis and pernicious anemia. You can get your source of the vitamin from animal and animal products, such as meat, shellfish, egg, and milk. If you are vegan, you can get it from Vitamin B12-fortified foods and supplementation.

Learn to Identify Vitamin D3 Deficiency Symptoms

Before you learn about what the symptoms of deficiency are, you should know what vitamin D is. Vitamin D can be either D2 or D3. D2 can be found in plants and other foods, and is also in fortified products such as milk and dairy. D3 is from the sun and can be produced by the body as a hormone. When you are exposed to sunlight or ultraviolet light, your body produces the D3 hormone.

After your body has absorbed D3 through your skin, the D3 is then processed by your liver and kidneys and used to strengthen your bones and to serve other functions. Vitamin D supplements can make up for a vitamin D deficiency when you take them in the right amounts for your body. Your doctor can tell you exactly how much you need.

Here are some vitamin D3 deficiency symptoms that will help you to know if you have a vitamin D3 deficiency. If you believe that you may have this deficiency, then you should speak to your doctor right away about treatment.

1. Muscle Weakness. This is one of the most common symptoms of a Vitamin D3 deficiency, and is rather easy to identify.

2. Bone Pain. This is another common symptom of a vitamin D deficiency. If you're experiencing this, you may be low on vitamin D.

3. Cancer. Research shows that vitamin D lessens the amount of cancerous tumors in breast cancer patients. Vitamin D also reduces the risk of breast cancer in the first place.

4. Periodontal Disease. Vitamin D produces certain bacteria decreasing compounds that can guard against periodontal disease. If you have problems with your gums, you may also have problems with your vitamin D levels.

5. Cardiovascular Disease. If you are a woman who is low on vitamin D, then you may have hypertension. Congestive heart failure is linked to not having enough vitamin D.

6. Depression & Schizophrenia. When children do not get enough vitamin D during development and growth, they may not have enough of the vitamin for important development of the brain and maintenance of their mental functions when they are older. If you have been diagnosed with either of these disorders, it may be a good idea to check how much vitamin D you are getting.

7. Asthma. Asthma attacks may be reduced in severity if you are getting enough vitamin D (either through natural mean or supplements). If you asthma attacks are severe, then you should check you vitamin D levels.

8. Chronic Kidney Disease. If you have this disease, then your body is likely not be able to make the necessary vitamin D. You can take supplements to make up for this.

9. Diabetes. Studies show that vitamin D may reduce the risk of type 1 diabetes when children get enough of it while growing. Having type 1 diabetes may be a sign that your child has not gotten enough vitamin D.

10. The Flu. Vitamin D may reduce the risk of respiratory infections in children. If your child gets the flu often, then be sure to get him or her checked for a vitamin D deficiency.

11. Psoriasis. In the treatment of psoriasis, vitamin D has been useful. If you have psoriasis, then you may also have a vitamin D deficiency.

There are also many subtle vitamin D3 deficiency symptoms, so if you do not get enough sunlight, if you have dairy allergies, or if you are a vegetarian, you should be tested for vitamin D3 deficiency because you may not be getting the amount of vitamin D3 that you really need

Lee Edwards has been involved with a nutraceutical company for over 3 years and has found great success in helping people live better quality of lives. If you are interested in gaining more knowledge on a product that has High IU's of Vitamin D3 and how you can try them risk free for 120 days then Enter Here and we will contact you with better options!

Vitamin B12: Myths and Misconceptions

Vitamin B12 is water-soluble and is needed for metabolism, just like the other B vitamins. Besides that, however, it plays an important role in DNA synthesis, red blood cells production, and central nervous system maintenance. That is why you cannot afford to not have enough levels of it. However, despite its vital role in keeping overall health, many people still misunderstand it or worse, do not know its importance. Here are some of the myths and misconceptions that surround the vitamin.

1. Deficiency of the vitamin is rare.

No, it is not. In fact, many people over the age of 50 lose the ability to absorb it. Furthermore, according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, about 6% of people who are over 60 years old in the United Kingdom and United States are deficient of it. One reason for this is that the elderly may not have enough acid in their stomachs, which is needed in the absorption of the vitamin. Also, people may not notice the signs of deficiency of the vitamin because these signs may occur gradually and intensify over time.

2. Deficiency of the vitamin does not pose serious health problems.

This misconception must be corrected. Deficiency of it can cause serious medical conditions, including anemia, nervous system disorders, and permanent nerve damage. Moreover, this deficiency is usually characterized by weakness, numbness and tingling of the hands and feet, and mental confusion.

3. It can be found in plant foods.

The fact is, no, you cannot get Vitamin B12 from plant foods unless they are fortified. That is why vegans are at risk of being deficient of it. Its food sources are animals and animal products, such as meat, shellfish, eggs, and milk. You can also get your source of the vitamin from supplements, which usually come in the form of injections and liquid drops.